Thursday, May 17, 2012

Reading Response Journals

Hello everyone! At my campus we are focused on Reader's Workshop. For this reason all students from k up should have a reading response journal. This year I decided to create some documents to make the content in the journal easy to find. All my students received a journal and 4 dividers(colored sheets of paper) Each section serves a different purpose. The sections are: Reading Log, Reading Strategies, Reading Response, and Letters for the teacher. In the reading log students will fill out logs and glue them in this section. Any time they had to take notes about strategies or had to do a written response in whole group they used the Reading Strategies section. The Reading Response section was just for students practice. In this section they applied what we had just discussed in mini lesson or response for their independently reading. In the last section, Letters for the Teacher, they could write letters to me about a book they liked or something they learned. This section helped them use their sequencing skills, retelling, and simple using DETAILS. I would say "I have never read your book before so you need to teach me about it.". Obviously after each letter they wrote I wrote them back.(This was complicated. I made it clear to say, "Mrs. G is one person so make sure you don't write letters to me everyday." We really enjoyed how they worked this year and plan on using them again next school year. I attached the English and Spanish version and a mini view of how they look. Hope you can implement them in your class. ENJOY!! (pictures are not cooperating, so some are side ways)

 Grab the English Dividers

Grab the Spanish Dividers 



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